Verbena Ideal Florist Mixed


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Go to the shopAbout PlantIf you’re searching for long lasting blooms that perform during the hottest days of summer heat, consider planting the verbena flower (Verbena officinalis). Planting verbena, whether annual or perennial types, ensures summer flowers when it is planted in the sunniest and possibly driest area of the garden. If humidity is high in your area in summer, choose perennial verbena for a better summer show.
Propagation While the verbena flower is drought resistant, the blooms are improved with regular watering of an inch or so each week. Water verbena plants at the base to avoid wetting the foliage. However, verbena plant care may not include weekly water if rainfall in your area has reached an inch or more. A limited application of complete, slow-release fertilizer is also a part of verbena plant care. Apply in spring and again following the occasional trims needed for optimum bloom. .
Product | Seed |
Color |
Mixed |
Nature |
Medium |
Type | Flowering |
Preferred climate | 15 to 24 (°C) |
Germination Time | 20-25 days |
Season to plant | Spring and autumn |
To provide borders at Garden corners, Garden pathways, Garden .
To form flower beds in garden.
For landscaping at Pavements ,Garden Patios.
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