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Booklet Creative Farmer

Booklet Creative Farmer



Why garden, you ask? How about enjoying the best vegetables and fruit you’ve ever eaten? If you’ve never tasted garden-fresh food, you will be amazed by the sweet, juicy flavors and vibrant textures. There’s absolutely nothing quite like fresh veggies, especially if you grow them yourself—which you can!

It may seem daunting at first, but gardening is a very rewarding hobby. On this page, we’ll highlight the basics of vegetable gardening and planning: how to pick the right site for your garden, how to create the right-size garden, and how to select which vegetables to grow.

Vegetable Growing Booklet Click Here


Bonsai is an art that has been studied and refined for centuries, but don't let that scare you off. With a little guidance, you're perfectly capable of growing your very own Bonsai trees without a mystical green thumb. Make sure you choose a tree species that is suited for the climate in your area and stick to the basic care guidelines.

Bonsai Care Click Here




Beautiful, tropical looking, it’s actually easy to grow a lotus plant.

Lotus flower colors include white, red, pink, yellow, lavender and blue. Blooming from early to late summer, they are one of the most majestic aquatic plants you can grow. Lotus is not surprisingly the national flower of India.

Lotus plants are closely related to water lilies but distinct from lilies in that the flowers and foliage are held on stalks above the water whereas the flowers and foliage pads of water lilies float on the water’s surface .

Lotus growing Click Here