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Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Red Radishes are more pungent and sharp as compared to the popular white ones but are not nutritionally deficit at all. In fact, the anthocyanins that are responsible for the blush red color make them more nourishing than the white varieties. The red radishes pack quite a punch when it comes to flavor and nutrition! Propagation : Plant 4-6 weeks into fall before...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : The half-red radish is as nutritionally dense as its counterparts which means you get an abundant supply of Vitamin C, Iodine, Folate, Potassium, antioxidants, anthocyanins, etc. Radishes are great for enhancing and improving immunity and are a natural coolant for the body. Propagation : Directly sow seeds ½ to an inch deep and one inch apart in rows that are...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Ridge gourdis a dark green, ridged and tapering pretty vegetable. It has white pulp with white seeds embedded in spongy flesh. A ridge gourd also commonly known as Turai or Turiya is a well beloved in India. Its hard skin is peeled off and chopped and cooked as desired. Propagation : Select an area where you can erect a trellis to support the plant, which...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : singra is a summer vegetable which was originally considered native to Asia and Europe. Today it can be found even in North America. The Seed pod or the Like the Radishes, the pods also contain an abundant amount of water and mostly the same nutrients. They are low in calories and do not contribute to fat...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Snake gourd, (Trichosanthes cucumerina), also called serpent gourd, rapid-growing vine of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), cultivated for its oddly shaped edible fruits. The snake gourd is native to southeastern Asia and Australia and is also grown in parts of tropical Africa. The whole fruit is eaten as a vegetable when young and can be dried and used as a soap. The leaves and shoots are also edible, and the pulp...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : The Luffa or the dark green sponge belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is widely cultivated in India and the Americas. ... The Sponge gourd / Luffa or the Tori is a highly fibrous vegetable and has a flavor and taste which is similar to bitter melon. Propagation : Soil should be mixed with well rotten Cow dung. Sow the seeds at...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Summer squash are squashes that are harvested when immature, while the rind is still tender and edible. Nearly all summer squashes are varieties of Cucurbita pepo, though not all Cucurbita pepo are considered summer squashes. Propagation : Plant summer squash seeds 8 inches apart, poking them into the soil 1 inch deep; water well. Thin seedlings to 3 feet apart. (If using transplants,...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantDwarf sunflowers are a type of sunflower that grows to heights of only three feet or smaller! They love to grow in gardens and look great in planters when placed in bunches. Propagation Do not cover seeds or cover very lightly as light is needed for germination. This is a tender perennial and may persist as a short-lived perennial but treated...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantAnnual Sweet Pea ‘Royal Family Mix’ is an annual climbing vine with large, heat resistant flowers in a mix of red, white, salmon, pink, lavender and purple. Preferring cooler summers, it can, however, tolerate warmer weather. It is early flowering and has a long season. ‘Royal Family Mix’ has long stems which makes it good for cut flowers...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantSweet William Black Prince is a very popular and easy to cultivate biennial garden flower. Large flowering, sweetly scented double dark red, almost black blossoms are produced in an abundance on dark foliage on 45 cm erect stems. Propagation Sweet William Black Prince Plant Height 18 inches Sow seeds sparingly in trays or directly outdoors from late spring to autumn for blooms...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Tinda is an Indian vegetable, not a green leafy vegetable that we usually think of when we talk of vegetables; but a fruit. Immature fruits of the tinda plant are cooked.Tinda is also called as squash melon, round melon, Indian baby pumpkin and Indian round gourd. Propagation : Tinda grows very well in fully fertile or...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Tomato, (Solanum lycopersicum), flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), cultivated extensively for its edible fruits. ... Labelled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and the phytochemical lycopene. Propagation : Plant 'Moneymaker' tomatoes in a well-drained bed that receives six or more hours of daily sunlight. Plant the seedlings deeper than they are at in...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Tomato, (Solanum lycopersicum), flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), cultivated extensively for its edible fruits. ... Labelled as a vegetable for nutritional purposes, tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and the phytochemical lycopene. Propagation : Establish tomato cages in the ground at the time of founding. Support is recommended. Plant seedlings two feet apart. Pinch off a few lower...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Turnip purple belongs to the same botanical genus as cabbages and it is eaten as a vegetable. The roots of the different varieties have different size, shape and colour. The 'flesh' is white and covered with a thin yellow or white skin, sometimes green or purple. It has a round, flat-top or cylindrical shape. Propagation : Turnips are...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Turnip, (Brassica rapa, variety rapa), also known as white turnip, hardy biennial plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae), cultivated for its fleshy roots and tender growing tops. The turnip is thought to have originated in middle and eastern Asia and is grown throughout the temperate zone. Propagation : Growing turnips should be done with seeds in the soil about 1/2...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantHuge, 10 cm (4") orange with black daisy-like flowers make these plants excellent for borders and cutting. Beautiful contrasts of silver-white, deep lobed leaves with a wooly texture enhance this stunning plant all summer.Can be grown in containers. Propagation Orange. Product Seed Color White Nature Easy Type Flowering Preferred climate 13 to 24 (°C) Germination Time 15-20 days...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantHuge, 10 cm (4") orange with black daisy-like flowers make these plants excellent for borders and cutting. Beautiful contrasts of silver-white, deep lobed leaves with a wooly texture enhance this stunning plant all summer.Can be grown in containers. Propagation Venidium white monarch flowers are easy to grow and maintain. Provide white Monarch Of The Veldt with full sun, regular water, fertile, well-draining...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantThe bright colour of the verbena flower that blooms all season long makes them gardeners’ joy. They look just as good in garden beds as they do spilling from the hanging baskets or pots. Propagation While the verbena flower is drought resistant, the blooms are improved with regular watering of an inch or so each week. Water verbena plants at...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantIf you’re searching for long lasting blooms that perform during the hottest days of summer heat, consider planting the verbena flower (Verbena officinalis). Planting verbena, whether annual or perennial types, ensures summer flowers when it is planted in the sunniest and possibly driest area of the garden. If humidity is high in your area in summer, choose perennial...
Rs. 125.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About PlantIf you’re searching for long lasting blooms that perform during the hottest days of summer heat, consider planting the verbena flower (Verbena officinalis). Planting verbena, whether annual or perennial types, ensures summer flowers when it is planted in the sunniest and possibly driest area of the garden. If humidity is high in your area in summer, choose perennial...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : water melon seed has an oval or spherical shape and a dark green and smooth rind, sometimes showing irregular areas of a pale green colour. It has a sweet, juicy, refreshing flesh of yellowish or reddish colour, containing multiple black, brown or white pips. Propagation : Start seeds indoors around a month before transplanting. Amend soil with aged...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Black Beauty watermelons are small and round to oval in shape. Their skin is thick, smooth, and dark green with green-black striping. The flesh is deep red, juicy, and tender with a few round black seeds. Black Beauty watermelons are crisp and juicy with a very sweet flavor. Propagation : Start seeds indoors around a month...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Watermelons are a member of the botanical family Cucurbitaceae. This cousin to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash, watermelons are considered a vine-like flowering plant that is actually native to Southern Africa, and it is there that the wild varieties are in the greatest abundance. These varieties range from super sweet to bitter, and vary in size as...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Wheat grass microgreen is higher in vitamins A, C, and E and also has magnesium, iron, calcium, and acids. Considering that microgreens have 10 to 40 times the nutrients in fully matured food types, you can expect wheatgrass microgreens and sprouts to have more of these nutrients.10-Jan-2020 Propagation : Add half or one-inch layer of soil in the growing tray.Spray some water...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : The winged bean species belongs to the genus Psophocarpus, which is part of the legume family, Fabaceae.[2] Species in the Psophocarpus genus are perennial herbs grown as annuals.[1] Psophocarpus species have tuberous roots and pods with wings.[3] They can climb by twining their stems around a support. Propagation : The winged bean plant grows as a vine with climbing stems and leaves, 3–4 m (9.8–13.1 ft) in height....
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : Yellow carrots are an eastern carrot variety, and are often sweeter than the orange varieties. They are a light yellow all the way through. They have a firm, crunchy texture and have been described as tasting earthy, with notes of celery and parsley. Propagation : 1. Use compost and fertilizer.. Product Seed Edible part Root Nature Easy/Medium Type Flowering Preferred climate...
Rs. 149.00
Rs. 99.00
Description About Plant : The Canary melon (Cucumis melo (Inodorus group)) or winter melon is a large, bright-yellow elongated melon with a pale green to white inner flesh. This melon has a distinctively sweet flavor that is slightly tangier than a honeydew melon. The flesh looks like that of a pear but is softer. Propagation : Prepare the soil for the melon planting about 2 weeks before the average last spring frost...